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3rd May 2023, Christmas

Christmas is coming! Time to think about how to decorate your home! We have good news for you: a magical time is coming when all tricks are allowed and the word exaggeration does not exist!

We all feel best in aesthetic, tasteful interiors, although it means something different for each of us. The special moment of the year is coming when we pay special attention to the environment in which we live every day. In December, even minimalists give in to the frenzy of decorating. And very well! Holidays, especially in Poland, have it that moderation is not included.


image from Freepik

Not only from holidays

The size and shape of the rooms, the color of the walls, furniture is just the basics. It is known that the interior character is created primarily by thoughtful additions. Original ceramics, mood lamp, a stylish clothes hanger, or properly selected pillows give the house a climate and say a lot about its inhabitants. December is a perfect moment to take care not only of the temporary home decor, which will disappear shortly after Christmas but also of the one that will stay with us for longer. Let's give ourselves a gift in the form of a carefully framed portrait or photo of a loved one or a picture chosen to our liking. Fortunately, times have passed when the painting was an exclusive product available only to selected people. Today, virtually anyone can afford art, especially since artists, shops, and galleries offer us attractive discounts and promotions. Don't you believe Take a look here: Evenflow studio.



In harmony with each other

However, holidays are holidays and have their own special requirements. Fortunately, decorating your home doesn't have to be either time consuming or expensive. A good idea counts. What? Everything is a matter of taste. Maybe you like simple and elegant forms, a combination of white and gold or silver, or maybe you like woolen blankets and colorful crochet pillows, garlands, and artificial snow on the windowsill. Some decorate a single room, others stretch out the decorations in the gardens and staircases. The magic of Christmas is, among other things, that everything is allowed and you can't actually overdo it.


Wyjątkowy zapach

Już sama orientacja na świąteczne kolory, takie jak zieleń i czerwień, czyni klimat. Zgrabny stroik lub wieniec ze świerkowych gałązek, kilka piernikowych zawieszek i od razu jest magicznie. Do tego ozdoby z orzechów, szyszek i patyków, z dodatkiem suszonych plasterków pomarańczy, goździków i lasek cynamonu… Takie naturalne dekoracje nie tylko świetnie budują świąteczną atmosferę, ale też pięknie pachną. Bliscy pewnie ucieszą się, gdy niektóre ozdoby wzbogacimy o czekoladowe bombki i figurki. Zwłaszcza dzieci uwielbiają natykać się na takie słodkie niespodzianki.


image from Freepik

A unique smell

Just orientation to holiday colors such as green and red makes for a vibe. A neat headdress or wreath of spruce twigs, a few gingerbread pendants and it's magical right away. In addition, decorations made of nuts, cones, and sticks, with the addition of dried slices of orange, cloves, and cinnamon sticks ... Such natural decorations not only build a festive atmosphere but also smell beautiful. Loved ones will be happy when we enrich some decorations with chocolate baubles and figurines. Especially children love to come across such sweet surprises.


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